These days, most corporate procurement teams operate under an ambitious mandate to increase business with diverse suppliers, playing an essential role in helping their company meet its economic impact goals. This is great news for diverse suppliers. With a solid...
Welcome to the “Unlocking Procurement Success” blog series, designed to empower diverse suppliers with the knowledge and strategies they need to succeed in the world of corporate procurement. Supplier diversity is becoming increasingly important to large...
“Working with great leadership and great organizations gives you the keys to the kingdom and to being great yourself. And the more individuals who have jobs, the more we can tackle the systemic ills in our society.” – Rondu Vincent Devin Carsdale is the...
“Truly passionate, alive people will inspire others to be passionate. Plant those seeds, even if we may never see them become mighty oaks.”- Rachel Muredzwa Rachel Muredzwa is the Director of Equity & Inclusion at Ohio State University’s College of Nursing. She is...
“Businesses are attacked twice: they are attacked when they get hacked and attacked again when they get sued.” – Rebecca Rakoski Rebecca Rakoski, Esq., is the co-founder and Managing Partner at XPAN Law Partners, a boutique domestic and international...
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